Topic Tags: sex

Latest Rituals

Finding joy in physical pleasure

An Intention Upon One’s First Shame-Free Orgasm

Turning self-pleasure from a moment of embarrassment to one of beauty and joy

a person in silhoutte against the sunset

I must give them the answer I know they do not want

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A  poem about lovers and the Tower of Babel

History of Languages

Traditional blessings for mikveh immersion

Traditional Mikveh Blessings

Although Judaism offers myriad blessings for every event, there has traditionally been no way to mark one’s first sexual experience. The author discusses the need for such a blessing and offers a possibility.

two people holding hands at sunset

A ritual written by a groom which can be adopted by any couple

Two men hugging

A seder intended for the eve of the Intermediate Sabbath of Passover when Jews traditionally chant or recite the Song of Songs.

The Song of Songs Seder: A Night of Sacred Sexuality

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