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Tisha B’Av & Minor Fast Days

A single lit candle glowing softly in a dark room.

During the hottest time of the summer, when the land of Israel is parched and dry, we pause for the holiday of Tisha B’Av. It commemorates the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem and provides the opportunity to mourn for the suffering of our people and suffering throughout the world. Other minor fast days remind us of additional events from our shared history, and provide opportunities for reflection in our hectic lives.

Latest Rituals

“We remember the sadness of death Yet we are blessed with life to hold the memory…”
hands holding a tiny seedling
“Help us navigate the rocky shores that beckon us to shipwreck our lives in grief forever.”
A cloudy sky over rocky shores
“Open Your souls and soak in the sound…” This original song is inspired by Psalm 22 (4:40)
close up of person's hands on their chest outdoors in sunlight
“Only when you stand alone will you know who you truly are…”
Ritualwell Tradition & Innovation logo placeholder
“We will weep through as many nights as we must…”
tents camped in the desert
“I will teach you the melody of my Echa, together we will sit on the ground and mourn for the peace of Jerusalem.”
a person sits on a rock in the desert
“Did they praise / the G-d that brought about their / most brutal response to devastation? / Or did they lament?”
a woman in a devastated field crouched down and holding her hands in fists
“For every grain of salt, a thousand tears…”
In sepia tones, trees reflected in a lake
“There are ashes sunken within us / in places that feel too deep to touch…”
a field with clouds waving across the sky above it
“May the cries of every neshama / Be rendered into / Notes of comfort…”
seagull flying over beach

The Reconstructionist Network

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Now more than ever, we need the guidance of our ancestors, and creative expression provides a wonderful path for connection.

Express your love and gratitude for those who have profoundly shaped your journey and  summon their wisdom into your own life.

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