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Close-up of golden wheat stalks tightly clustered together against a light background.

Seven weeks after we celebrate Passover, we mark the holiday of Shavuot—literally “weeks.” In the Bible, Shavuot was primarily an agricultural holiday, marking the end of the grain harvest and the beginning of a new agricultural season during which first fruits were brought to the Temple in Jerusalem. Later, Shavuot came to be associated with the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai. On Passover, we were physically freed from slavery; on Shavuot, our freedom is given purpose—we are free in order to serve God according to the dictates of the Torah. Shavuot is celebrated with an all-night study session called tikkun leil Shavuot. It is also common to eat cheesecake and other dairy foods, since the Torah is likened to milk and honey. In this section you will find some ideas for a women’s tikkun, feminine blessings for the Torah, and some poetry and meditations.

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“The voice of God, a timeless song…”
Rocky mountain with rugged terrain under a clear blue sky.
“At Shavuot, the Angels ask / Have you forgotten why you are here?”
clouds reflected in the sea
“Where you go, I will go, I told my small sons…”
a child's feet
“Then the unbroken rush of praise exhaled…”
a brown feathered sparrpw sits on a wooden fence
“And everyone has a Sea of Reeds to cross, / Everyone has a story…”
a young woman stands in a wheat field
A poem about the gift of Torah and the covenant between the poet and God.
person from behind facing mount sinai at dawn
“No wonder the desert was chosen over the pyramids, mountains and / ocean for revelation.”
new mexico desert
An interpretive reading of the Ten Commandments
ten commandments on tablets in the desert
“Grief and memory hold hands / as, broken-hearted, we find our way through the Jewish year”
sign in hebrew that reads "yizkor" memorial - black letters on white stone

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