Morning Service

We greet the day with gratitude, blessings, and praise.

Latest Rituals

This poem includes the Modeh Ani prayer for greeting the day
a bridge with sunlight at its end
“So God created the dawn, painting peaks of blues and purples to the warmth of the black.”
sunrise over the mountains
A moment of wonder during the morning service.
A ritual for mindful and embodied recitation of the shema
woman looking up with eyes closed
“I bind myself to light and darkness, brightness and night.”
close up of light skinned man's arm wrapped in tefillin as he holds a siddur and wears a tallit
brown skinned woman with long dark hair in forest, hands pressed together, looking up, with a look of wonder or gratitude
“Renewal is the foundational / perpetual / potential / eternal source of metaphor”
sunrise in the background of thin stalks of plants
“Praise the heartbeat of the universe”
view of mountains in blue and white sky with clouds with person on a rocky outcrop small in the scene
“Our days move like sea waves, sound waves”
person standing in ocean water with arms raised to yellow-pink sky, sun rising or setting
Prayers for reading the news in a spiritually intentional way
Prayers Before and After Reading the News

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