Pregnancy & Childbirth

It is a blessing to create and carry life in our bodies. Giving birth is one of life’s great privileges. It allows us to partner with the divine in the act of creation. Historically, Judaism provided scant opportunity to mark this occasion. Here, we offer prayers and rituals for celebrating this unique and wondrous experience.

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“you will know a tidal surge / part marvel part mystery…”
a pregnant woman touches her belly, a dog lies sleeping at her feet
“No words can describe it. / The first time I held her on my chest…”
a new infant
“We have been waiting for you”
closeup of newborn white baby held by adult white hands
“Sarah waited, far too long. / So what’s a few more days, right?”
close up of light-skinned adult hand holding hand of small baby

Ritual for moving into new phase of life post-childbearing

Fill Your Plate: An Earth-based Ritual of Transition to Post-childbearing Stage

Poem on parenting new baby struggling to feed 

Olam Hazeh

“becoming a parent is a significant lifecycle event and merits its own ritual”

Brit Horim: A New Parent Ketubah

“May you never feel alone for you will always have each other”

Sibling Blessing
Mother’s Day Prayer

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