
Thanksgiving celebrates bounty, and offers us the opportunity to express gratitude for the simple pleasures of food, family, and friends. On Thanksgiving, we focus on the happiness of the moment—the table set before us and the faces gathered around it. As we appreciate these gifts, we live in the present without lingering on regrets from the past or worries about the future. Many communities use Thanksgiving as a time for multi-faith services of prayer and thanksgiving. This creates a mood of joyful reverence that gives an elevated shape to the American holiday season.

Latest Rituals

“My gratitude is not for tourists.”
a gratitude journal and pen
These four prompts offer ways to share different experiences of gratitude at your Thanksgiving table. 
autumn leaves turn read while trees to the left have leaves fallen
A prayer for our country.
blank notebook with flowers and pen

“Get to know the tribe whose land you are on”

Thanksgiving Thursday

Bringing mindfulness to the act of welcoming guests through a chant and series of ritual intentions

Eight Ritual Steps of Hakhnasat Orkhim (Welcoming Guests)

God is good and good things happen

A Thanksgiving Prayer For When Good Things Happen

Is there holiness in the bounty that breaks and bereaves?

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Recognizing abundance in our lives, reflecting upon our gratitude, and asking the question  “what is enough?”

What is Enough?

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