Preserve the memory of your loved one with a plaque on our Yahrzeit Wall. Learn More ->

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Yahrzeit: Memory Lights the World

“And there are people whose scintillating memory lights the world after they have passed from it.” – Hannah Szenes

In Jewish tradition we illuminate the world with the memory of our loved ones by lighting a candle on the anniversary of their passing (yahrzeit).  

To enable you to continue this tradition, Ritualwell will light a virtual flame for family and friends you are remembering on their yahrzeit.

זרי מהרבאני
January 1, 1940
August 1, 2010
Ze’ev ben Irwin v’Henrietta
June 19, 1928
November 27, 1987
April 21, 1955
November 7, 2015
October 4, 1949
August 25, 2023
Refuel Ben Yaakov v’Sima
May 8, 1944
April 12, 2024
Shifra Leah bat Menucha Gitte V’ Gershon
June 30, 1940
September 17, 2020

Preserve the Memory of Your Loved One

Memory lights the world: Honoring your loved one with a name plaque and memorial page on Ritualwell is a thoughtful way to keep their memory alive and share it with others.

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