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Topic Tags: torah

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“The voice of God, a timeless song…”
Rocky mountain with rugged terrain under a clear blue sky.
“So as we save the scrolls from the fire’s roar, /we save ourselves and so much more.”
Open Torah scroll with decorative handles on a table, surrounded by people wearing prayer shawls.
“One more dangerous reading, and I tore my hair /in pain with the story’s daughters, Dinah and Tamar.”
Ink drawing of a landscape with people, animals, and a pyramid. Sun and birds are in the sky.
“And still, here we are again / clutching to an ancient book / that has traveled through time / from bitterness to joy…”
an open Torah scroll
“My fingers reached out, / my heart longed…”
a group of people dancing with the Torah
“In the ripeness of the Ingathering, take of the seven species. / Shoulder your basket, golden or willow-green.”
three purple figs hanging on a green tree
“Then the unbroken rush of praise exhaled…”
a brown feathered sparrpw sits on a wooden fence
“We will collect ourselves; / We will gather in; / We will reassemble…”
person walking in desert sand dunes
“There is a tree somewhere, so they say. / And that tree has its roots in a culture / that spreads back millennia.”
A tree across from a lake against a dark starry night
“Abraham sat all night with the body of his beloved that he bathed tenderly…”
a cave in Israel

The Reconstructionist Network

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Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Now more than ever, we need the guidance of our ancestors, and creative expression provides a wonderful path for connection.

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