Hard Times

Hard times take many forms: the loss of a job or other economic hardship; the devastation of a flood or other natural disaster; the horror of violent assault. Just getting out of bed can be an act of great courage at times like these. Whisper a prayer for yourself, or say one for your friend, community, or the world. Hope will find you. 

Latest Rituals

“Some time ago (I can’t say when) it leeched into my thoughts as through a cracked wall, / a breach in my otherwise fortified mind.”
a close=up of cracks in a wall, the surface is blue in places and beige below
“Did I harden my heart to survive?”
a woman places her hand on her heart
“I know You’re up there, /but I’ve been down here. / Do you see the things I see?”
silhouette of a man in prayer
“What things do you have planned? Do you march with torches? Do you scream out for our death?”
an arm covered with a tattoo
“Sometimes there is not /  enough space / to contain all of the grief.”
an empty bench facing a wide green lawn
“After the pain settles, and swear words stop, /I am left with healing of my body. / But healing of body takes time…”
A woman rests on a couch with her eyes closed
A complete ritual for releasing frustration and anger in nature.
woman standing in a forest clearing
A reminder of our covenant with the Source of Life.
green mountains above a green valley
“Blessed are You, / Eternal One / Who drapes the evening shadows / …And passes / Even the hardest day / To its end.”
man standing on rocky beach at sunset
“I saw, in our decaf, the plea for rain / we ask on behalf of the god of our ancestors”
damaged tree in forest

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