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Topic Tags: Shekhinah

Latest Rituals

“Exalt the Divine within you and around you.”
drag queen in pink headdress wearing a black and pink ruffled dress
A complete ritual for monthly exams for all people with breasts
hand holding one apple blossom
Torah and Haftarah blessings addressing the Divine as feminine
open torah scroll
“May my words be embodied. / May my life be lived as prayer.”
woman blowing a handful of confetti into the night
“We seek to embody your sacred passion, your wisdom, your strength”
woman in silhouette standing straight looking ahead with setting sun and dark gray sky in background and some trees
“Give me the strength to discover new ways to be”
young woman with brown skin and long black hair standing in a forest looking up and slightly smiling
“Meet me anywhere / Where G-d stays hidden behind the veil”
light filled field with closeup of tall yellow grasses or flowers
“I pray / in accents foreign to my own ears”
person shown far away in silhouette against a sky in which the sun has set and the sky is blue yellow and orange
“My dear, there are no keys to the palace”
light brown skinned woman with curly dark hair dressed in gauzy gown looking contemplative in halo-like crown with hair pinned up and curls coming down in field with tree and sunlight
“In a field of lilies trampled by warriors / the Shekhinah weeps”
close up of light yellow-white lilies with black background