Topic Tags: teshuvah

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“I didn’t fast on Yom Kippur / But I mended my relationship with my spouse and children by being present in the moment and honest about my feelings in a positive way…”
clouds in a bright blue sky
“there’s a message in my muscles but the pain is too loud for me to hear”
A silhouette of a person holding their arms against the sky, set against a body of water and sunset over mountains
A meditation before and new translation of Psalm 27.
a pomegranate sitting in front of a prayerbook
“May my words be embodied. / May my life be lived as prayer.”
woman blowing a handful of confetti into the night
“we wander in the wilderness of our minds / Searching for the illusive path”
silhouette of woman standing before lake with dark trees in the background reflected in the lake. her arms are spread wide.
“there is no book / no final decree”
dark photo of person walking through door with yellow light
“Your heart is noble, / The need is global”
black and white photo of people at a protest, one black/brown woman shown from behind with fist in the air, another black man in mask standing near her and another white person walking by on her other side
“Who is responsible for my hurt?”
person wearing white shirt out in a field with palm on their own heart
“Forgive me and help me to forgive myself and others”
white woman with eyes closed immersed in water, half her face submerged, smiling

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