Topic Tags: parent

Latest Rituals

“I’m proud of you, my child, for the courage to step away from family and  familiarity / For venturing out to meet new people, try new things, discover a new You.”
teen jumping into a lake
This ritual offers working parents a moment of pause between our different roles in life
light skinned brown haired mother holding small child and multiple bags and a diaper bag outdoors giving the child a kiss
“My mother was at peace, so I could be at peace.”
closeup of elderly woman's hands being held by younger person's hands, both light-skinned
“It is a cosmic principle … the Eternal Mystery”
Hukat Olam
“It’s a wonder / How comfort arrives: / From what source?”
Death Takes a Seat Before She Takes to Flight

“What if the Torah had been interpreted by us all instead of just a few?”

Inclusive Matan Torah

“I recall the dark / glittered. And I calmed …”

Source: Yitro

“So dear this daughter / As she prepares to immerse”

With My Daughter at the Mikveh

“becoming a parent is a significant lifecycle event and merits its own ritual”

Brit Horim: A New Parent Ketubah

“this Milestone Mom Moment”


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