Topic Tags: compassion

Latest Rituals

A Poem for the Removal of Uterine Fibroids
swirling colors representing the universe
This kavannah is for anyone who is about to engage in a challenging or difficult conversation, in any situation that stems from disagreement.
two women sit across from each other in a darkly lit restaurant, engaging in conversation
“May each life be treated as a sacred treasure, as You have intended.”
three hands--one with brown skin, one with white skin, one with black skin touch each other over the image of a world map
“Reaching just beyond we find even more loves…”
a field of wildflowers
“A loving reminder / To hold myself with compassion”
close up of person's hands on their chest outdoors in sunlight
Finding forgiveness and self-compassion
May I Find Forgiveness
“We walk in fear, in doubt, in uncertainty, / so why do we even bother to pray?”
Why Bother to Pray?
Prayers for reading the news in a spiritually intentional way
Prayers Before and After Reading the News
“We can’t always be brave, but we can dance.”
We Can Dance

“more than enough lovingkindness for everyone who / needs it …”

Thirteen Attributes of Divine Compassion: An Acrostic Piyyut

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