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Topic Tags: resilience

Latest Rituals

“Ribono shel Olam / Make me like our mothers and heroines…”
Sun setting over a vast field of red poppies, with a person in the distance and silhouettes of trees on the horizon.
“We will hold on to goodness/ We will hold on to each other…”
a person with grey hair
“And may we always draw on joy in the darkness…”
a landscape of gray and brown mountains
Let me remember my breath on the wind as / Fragile / Fleeting / Precious
Artwork of two women as shadows facing each other
“The lilacs, normally in bloom now, are making a frail show of it…”
fuscia colored lilacs

“We gather around our tables/Singing songs of joy”

Man holding a goblet, smiling at a young girl at a dining table. A woman is partially visible in the foreground.

“To those who have tried to be peaceful/and have seen no results”

Protesters hold signs with messages, including a fist symbol and Justice Now, during a demonstration.

“Yet turning to You for strength/Is as natural as breathing air”

Woman in yellow dress with arms raised, standing on grass with trees and blue sky in the background.

“The past and the present are one here”

City skyline with a tall tower, surrounded by greenery, and a wide road leading through a forested area under a bright sky.

For forming our own words of comfort about the pandemic before the recitation of Sh’ma

A person sits on a bench by a pond, wrapped in a purple blanket, surrounded by lush greenery.

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