Topic Tags: heart

Latest Rituals

“A loving reminder / To hold myself with compassion”
close up of person's hands on their chest outdoors in sunlight
This poem emerged from an exploration of the component words of Kislev: kis (pocket) and lev (heart)
smiling asian kid with black long hair holding a glowing heart that appears to be made out of wire with glowing lights in the background
“This is the time of year I love”
Tiferet Sh’be’Kedoshim

“Souls have a way of living on / Inside of us”

Souls Have a Way of Living On
A ritual of transition between what was and what will be in order to mark a new chapter in life.
A Ritual for Separation/Divorce

“I sweep away flaked remnants of hope”


“To do the work of the heart / in the temple of the world …”

Blessing for Diaspora as a Spiritual Practice

“I’m searching for words / to describe this year”

For Waking

“Remember, you can always find Me in the fringes.” 

Torah of the Broken Heart

“Your love is running honey”

Back in the Garden

The Reconstructionist Network

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