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Sanctifying Intimate Relationships

A couple embraces joyfully in a sunlit forest with golden autumn leaves around them.

Intimate relationships bring two people together in a unique emotional and physical connection. This is something to celebrate, whether through the public festivity of a wedding, or in the private reflection of immersion in the mikveh. Sanctifying our intimate relationships elevates these unions and gives them a context of meaning and joy.

Latest Rituals

“Draw from me, and I from you. / Let us mingle a new moon.” 

Crescent moon in a purple and orange sunset sky over a grassy field with a rock and bare tree silhouette.

“Come, my beloved, / Draw close”

Silhouette of a person standing with outstretched arms against a sunset backdrop by the ocean.

“Your love is running honey”

A joyful couple laughing while sitting inside a tent in the outdoors.
“We have the opportunity / To become a re-creation”
A person in a flowing white dress wades through shallow, clear water, with hands visible and a sandy bottom.

Printable mikveh guide with blessings and kavannot

Silhouette of a person standing on rocks, watching the sunset over the ocean with a sailboat in the distance.

God is loving another

Three heart-shaped leaves hanging from strings against a blurred background, each leaf showing natural imperfections.

A small, adapted wedding during COVID-19

Bride and groom at an outdoor wedding ceremony, surrounded by greenery and flowers.

Blessing for an online mikveh immersion

Persons legs sticking out of an old bathtub situated in a grassy forest clearing.
two women's hands
two mens hands with wedding rings

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