Topic Tags: kabbalat shabbat

Latest Rituals

“As Shabbat begins, / May Adonai revive our ability to feel”

Entering Shabbat

“God re-nefeshes Godself”

The Pause that Re-nefeshes*

“Here, in hearth of heart, / All is made whole.”

Shir Hashirim: The Song of Songs

“And this is how we begin again: let our lives be renewed at this sacred time, when the end and the beginning become one.”

Humanistic Kabbalat Shabbat from the Home

“each of our homes / a canopy of Sabbath peace”

Livestreaming Kabbalat Shabbat: A Poem

“Is she mapping Sabbath?”

Pandemic Sabbath

Short kabbalat Shabbat service

Three-Minute Musical Kabbalat Shabbat

“Shabbat creeps up on my week …”


“You cause me to breathe deeply”

Hitoreri, Hitoreri

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