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High Holidays

black and white photo of man in silhouette sitting at the ledge of open window looking out at cloudy sky

The High Holidays, which comprise Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, are the holiest dates on the Jewish calendar. A time to take stock of our live, seek forgiveness, and start fresh, this season invites us to reflect on what matters most to us and to return to our deepest selves.

Latest Rituals

We are all together walking home, on the road of teshuva

Close-up of a person walking on a sunlit forest path, wearing black hiking shoes and blue pants, surrounded by autumn leaves.

A full ritual to help you practice atonement and cleansing going into Yom Kippur

Woman in a white top floating peacefully on her back in clear blue water.

Intentions, blessings, and poems to read upon immersing in the mikveh before Rosh Hashanah

a person sits at the water's edge, lifting their hands upward

A poem about what the blast of the shofar does to bring us out of past and present

a young person blows a shofar

The El Maley Rakhamim prayer reconstructed to honor the lives lost to racial violence

a person in shadow bent in grief

Shofar kavannot in response to travel ban

Silhouette of a person blowing a shofar in front of a sunlit curtain.

An original, dramatic Avodah service for Yom Kippur

silhouette of a person clasping their hands above their head against a sunset

A new version of the traditional confession prayer

a person rests their clasped hands on an open book

A Yom Kippur hymn loosely based on Kol Nidre

A small wooden gate set between two stone pillars with greenery in the background.

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