Topic Tags: vidui

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“We signed on to a covenant: / If we take care of the earth / it will take care of us.”
A hazy view of fields with mountains in the disatnce

“We come to claim responsibility.”

Vidui: Our Sincere Declaration of Responsibility

A Vidui prayer that balances acknowledgment of wrongdoings with noticing the good

Personal Vidui: Forgiving Myself

A Vidui directed at the ways God has missed the mark

Vidui for God (2021)

“Help me, God of Old, to see myself / through Your eyes”

Meditation Before Confession

“We have abstained from uncomfortable growth”

a person facing away and sitting in a body of water is bowing their head beneath a golden sky

Confession of positive behaviors

a person with long hair and a yellow flowing dress sits in a field with closed eyes and an outstretched arm
a person sits alone looking at the sunset
Deathbed Ritual
Loved Ones’ Vidui

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