Topic Tags: black lives matter

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Rabbi Sarah Lawson shares a new blessing to celebrate Black History Month
African-American family enjoying nature

“have we become so familiar that we have memorized the Great Lie”

A Lament of White Supremacy

“If we realized the diversity of Black people and their experiences, but didn’t practice radical empathy with them — lo dayenu.”

Abolitionist Lo Dayenu

“What we witness is bound upon our hearts.”

Shema for George Floyd

In memory of George Floyd and thousands more since 1619

Who Can’t Breathe? Three Outcries and a Prayer

When do we lament? / I looked through all my poetry / To find one to share / As a new retelling of / Our communal lament

A Contemporary Kinah for Tisha B’Av

“Stand for Love / Start right now”

Kaddish Symphony or Why We Can’t Wait

“We understand that Black lives are sacred”

Kaddish for Black Lives

“Who shall die while begging for their life, their breath”

Unetaneh Tokef for Black Lives

“Protest is a sacred act”

A Protest Prayer

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