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Type: Prayer

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“When will You lie us down in peace? When will these hakafot of violence end?”
A person sits in meditation looking into the sunrise
“Inspire them to turn their swords into plowshares, / to turn their callousness into empathy.” 
an activist holds a sign that says Shalom and Salaam
“Bring them home. /I will be here Waiting / Ready / For their return, like a tidal wave.”
woman facing the desert sky
“To our friends and family / From the windswept Golan / To the sands of the Arava: / We hold you in our hearts”
footsteps in sand
“plant and nurture unusual seeds of courageous outreach, illogical extension of olive branches, and creative solutions based in truth, love, and mutuality, healthy self-interest and sustainability.”
a black-skinned had and white-skinned hand hold hands
“Blessed is God, Ruler of the Universe, who created people with disabilities in Your image. / Blessed is God, who cherishes disabled lives and desires that they flourish and thrive.”
A person in a wheelchair, wearing a cozy coat, peacefully meditates with hands together outdoors in sunlight.
An original Al cheit prayer focused on reproductive rights
a person who is wearing a lab coat and latex gloves rests their hand on the hand of a person wearing a dress
“Adonai, hear my prayer: / out of the depths of my sorrow, I call to you.”
a woman opens her arms towards the sunny sky
“May we never forget that we are all connected, historically, relationally, energetically, and that harm to one is harm to all.”
the sun is setting in an orange sky with purple sky on top of the orange. Wildflowers appear in the forefront of the sunset.
“there’s a message in my muscles but the pain is too loud for me to hear”
A silhouette of a person holding their arms against the sky, set against a body of water and sunset over mountains

The Reconstructionist Network

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Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

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Purim is a tale of resilience, standing up and speaking out. Now more than ever, we need YOUR story!

Whether you share your story for the holiday or another occasion, Purim is the perfect opportunity to embrace your role as a storyteller.

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