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Topic Tags: reflection

Latest Rituals

A ritual meditation for people who need a “substitute” ritual for addictive behaviors.
Three empty wine glasses with a yellow butterfly on one.
An Elul 5783 teaching by Rabbi Janet Madden
person with long hair facing away with black and rainbow kippah blowing shofar
Imagine that the whole world is God’s sukkah, and that we are all sheltered there.
a baby penguin stands at the feet of its parent

Series of questions for contemplation during the month of Elul

a person's silhouette in the distance underneath an indigo sky with a setting sun

Tashlikh ritual to be performed in the bathroom or using bowl of water

circular ripples in a pool of water

Instructions for taking stock of our lives at the beginning of the New Year

a person sits looking out on a dirt road

Questions to reflect on for the new year

A person in an orange checked shirt wearing a ring writes in a red journal

Texts and reflection questions for each day of Elul

a person's hands are clasped together sitting on an open book
Download the Elul Reflection Calendar below for weekly soul-reflection prompts during the month of Elul 5779.
an hourglass is pouring sand from the top section
A new ritual of creating a daily embodied spiritual practice for the liminal period of Sefirat Ha’Aveilut/the counting of grief, in the nine weeks between Shavuot and Tisha b’Av
the silhouette of a person sitting with hands clasped and head bowed, there are trees in the background

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