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Topic Tags: mikveh

Latest Rituals

A full ritual to help you practice atonement and cleansing going into Yom Kippur

Woman in a white top floating peacefully on her back in clear blue water.

Intentions, blessings, and poems to read upon immersing in the mikveh before Rosh Hashanah

a person sits at the water's edge, lifting their hands upward

To connect the physical with the mental, emotional, and spiritual, Mayyim Hayyim provides Seven Kavanot (intentions) as a guide to help you slow down, center, and be present in the moment

water is splashing against a person's cupped hands

Traditional blessings for mikveh immersion

A woman in a white shirt floats calmly on water, with her eyes closed and hair submerged.

A ritual to mark the closing of a mikveh

Ritualwell Tradition & Innovation logo placeholder

A mikveh ritual to prepare oneself for a march for justice

Person with a megaphone and sunglasses shouts at a protest; others nearby, one holds a red banner.

Alternative mikveh ritual before a wedding

upscale bathroom with large ceramic tub and fern

Mikveh ritual/ceremony for marking sobriety

Two rubber wristbands on a wooden surface, one pink and the other purple, both with the phrase One Day-At a Time.

Seven Jewish traditions performed before a wedding

jewish traditions before a wedding video from bimbam

A mikveh ritual to mark the transition from college to life after college

A person floating peacefully in water with eyes closed, wearing a white garment.

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