Tiferet Sh’be’Kedoshim

This is the time of year I love.
This is the week,
During that time
That the name I chose
As my own
Feels particularly weighty.
Parashat Kedoshim
And her 18 blessings:
“You shall be holy,
Because I am holy,”
Blows the Holy Breath of the Infinite One
As it inspires me
In the broad fields of Hesed,
During that first great spread 
Of arms and legs
And hearts,
Following the release
From my constrictive bondage.
A turn of thought,
An alignment of mind,
Lasting a week
In tight restriction – Gevurah –
Where judgment is denied,
But boundaries abound,
In order that creations’ energies
Are properly chaperoned home.
Expansiveness has its space,
While discerning restrictions, 
Their place,
Channelling the
Breath of the other
In order that Tiferet,
The heart space,
Can fill all
Of my room(s).
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