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Yom Kippur

Person wrapped in a white and gold prayer shawl, holding it close to their chest.

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, falls ten days after Rosh Hashanah. When the Temple stood in Jerusalem, the High Priest effected atonement for the entire people through an elaborate ritual. Today, in the absence of the Temple, each of us stands, alone, together, naked as it were, before God. Yom Kippur is the dramatic culmination of the entire season of teshuvah, repentance. On Yom Kippur, Jews abstain from eating, drinking, bathing, sexual relations, and the wearing of leather (a sign of luxury) for 25 hours. Jews dress in white and traditionally spend most of the day in synagogue.

Latest Rituals

Avinu Malkeinu prayer using many different names and conceptions of God

Woman in a flowing yellow dress stands on sandy terrain, arms outstretched, surrounded by trees under a blue sky.

A Vidui directed at the ways God has missed the mark

A woman in a black coat stands on a rock by a calm, blue body of water, surrounded by a few scattered stones.

“How can I ask you for forgiveness”

Stone building with weathered steps and a blue door on a narrow street. Vegetation grows in cracks.

“this desert threatens to swallow us”

A person walks on a wooden bridge over a misty river in a foggy landscape.

“Help me, God of Old, to see myself / through Your eyes”

Person with long hair stands by a windy lake, facing the water and a sky with scattered clouds.

“Who by chemo and who radiation?”

Woman in a black dress sitting on a rock, gazing at the sea during sunset.

“O God, please forgive us for spending another year in vain, in a liminal space, attempting to find the perfect balance”

A person in a white robe and glasses reads a book with Hebrew text indoors.

“It’s healthy to feel unfit in the face of something greater”

Silhouette of a person standing in a foggy landscape with trees and mountains during sunrise or sunset.

“These are the vows I ask You not to annul”

Person walking in a sunlit mountainous landscape with a bright, setting sun and clear sky.

“There are no kings / I trust, only ruakh”

a person faces a body of water, their hair blowing in the wind

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