Topic Tags: illness

Latest Rituals

A participatory D’var Torah for Parshat Beha’alotekha
woman in desert throwing sand in arcs
Poem of gratitude on healing from illness with the support of a partner
light skinned man with short brown beard with arm around woman in black shirt with short brown hair shown from the back
“Blessings cannot be static; / Blessings need to be in motion”
mountains in dark with purple sky and lines of white light scattered throughout
“Binder of wounds, / Open me to / Unplanned wonder”
light brown skinned person with eyes closed and white shirt on and beige sun hat with head slightly lifted looking peaceful before light blue sky and clouds
“To see each member of our community / With clear eyes and an open heart”  
For Those Who Endure Chronic Conditions

“I see the words of my prayers / wrap themselves around you”

The Light and the Wick

“Jacob gave his blessings, / although some say he faltered”

Vayekhi: Words

“Blessed are You, God, who turns the hearts of parents toward children”

The Burden and the Blessings: A Prayer for Those Caring for an Aging Parent

Poem on parenting new baby struggling to feed 

Olam Hazeh

“Life returns itself to Life.”

What I am Coming to Know: Vayeitzei

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