Topic Tags: renewal

Latest Rituals

“This year may I drink myself full”
woman with light olive skin and short dark hair in black tank top with colorful pattern smiling, eyes closed, in a field of tall flowers, with yellow petals raining down
“Renewal is the foundational / perpetual / potential / eternal source of metaphor”
sunrise in the background of thin stalks of plants
“May the seeds of this year / Be planted”
closeup of white hand holding seed packet pouring seeds into garden container near soil
“May you be as a baby yet unborn, / floating in Mother Ocean”
four people, some wearing kippot, at the edge of a lake throwing breadcrumbs to perform the tashlikh ritual
“May this be the year we choose / to live our lives fully”
At the Precipice

“Gift me with good health, love, blessings and peace in this New Year.”

My Prayer for the New Year

“With the start of each season/We have the chance to plant kindness and acceptance”

With Every Sunrise

“Yet turning to You for strength/Is as natural as breathing air”

Return Again

For forming our own words of comfort about the pandemic before the recitation of Sh’ma

On Your Heart

“Once a week in this world we get to / Imagine”

sun shining above a stream n the forest

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