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Daily Prayer & Mindfulness

Three people meditate on the floor, sitting in silence with eyes closed, in a bright room.

Every moment of every day invites us to pay attention. We can marvel at what happens within ourselves and the world outside of us. Some of us do this through prayer, others through mindfulness and meditation. No matter what form it takes, noticing and appreciating the wonder of life enhances the act of living.

Latest Rituals

“Who makes it possible for us to see those we love”
brown skinned woman with dark hair sitting at desk looking at computer screen where an array of faces are shown as on a Zoom screen
“keep me open to wonder and awe so I don’t lose my way in the small places of heart and mind”
close up on rainbow colored tzitzit (fringes) on someone's waste
“The red-tailed hawk, whose flight is praise / bursts from the sky”
watercolor painting by Cathleen Cohen showing a hawk on a tree on the left side of the painting with green grass and blue sky and white cloud in the background
“Creation happens through the dark”
person standing small on rocky land beneath blue sky full of stars
“Renewal is the foundational / perpetual / potential / eternal source of metaphor”
sunrise in the background of thin stalks of plants
“Shine to me, stars. / There’s too much light.”
pinkish dark night sky with clouds and stars and person sitting on a boulder looking up at sky with headlight on their head
“Stand firm in the time of withering”
brightly colored fallen leaves in yellow, purple, red, green
“There is joy / At the sight / Of the white fire”
Ritualwell Tradition & Innovation logo placeholder
“The holy that swims / through my sight …”
watercolor painting by cathleen cohen called "sharp joy" shows beautiful pink flowers and green leaves and brown stems in delicate watercolors
“I pray / in accents foreign to my own ears”
person shown far away in silhouette against a sky in which the sun has set and the sky is blue yellow and orange

The Reconstructionist Network

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