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Coming Out

Two men hugging

As gay, lesbian, transgender, asexual, bisexual, and gender-nonconforming Jews have gained more acceptance within the Jewish community, we have sought a Jewish way to “come out”—either publicly to our congregations, or privately to our families. Here you will find coming-out ceremonies, prayers, rituals, and personal stories.

Latest Rituals

This Asexual Coming Out Ceremony can be done by any group or congregation, in any setting.
hand holding small glass of water
“I stand confident in the knowledge of my identity, / and am proud of my courage to claim it.”
A person reaches out their hands to the sunset
To be recited by the person coming out and those who celebrate them.
two hands holding small paper asexual flag

We see each other and we honor our journeys and those yet to come.

Two people embracing, wearing colorful bracelets. One has a rainbow painted on their hand.

“To see oneself as completely whole in living”

People celebrating under a large rainbow flag at a pride parade.

Prayer honoring one’s gender identity

Person with colorful hair and leopard print shirt smiling, wrapped in a rainbow flag, standing outdoors at sunset.

Printable mikveh guide with blessings and kavannot

Silhouette of a person standing on rocks, watching the sunset over the ocean with a sailboat in the distance.

“Fierce heeled force of nature

Three people with colorful clothing and nails sitting on a sofa, with focus on the patterned dress in the center.

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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