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Blessing for Black T&GNC Folks

As a lay service leader and writer of Jewish liturgy, I have been working on a blessing for Black TGNC folks, from a place of wanting to bless my friends and family both inside and outside of Judaism. I want to share this with all of you. It begins with a poem and ends with a Jewish blessing.

Blessing for Black T&GNC Folks

Breath of fresh air at the meeting

Head of the local community space

Fierce heeled force of nature

Quiet warrior with the pad and pencil
Precision asker of questions 

Humble carer for elders

Powerful decider of direction
Kind deep hugger

Wearer of spectacular ties

Leader whose spirit soars

Our God and God of all our ancestors, for we were all present in Sinai’s revelation, lead us by that still water path with wisdom and understanding, with kindness and love for Black trans women, men, and our non-binary siblings. May You give kulanu, or all of us, the strength and love to carry through tomorrow and for generations yet to come. Blessed are you God of Wonders, who binds our lives together in “Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue…”

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