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Type: Meditation

Latest Rituals

A guided meditation with afirmations and breath work.
Person sitting on a wooden dock, facing a misty, calm lake.
A guided meditation inspired by the Torah portion
a field of golden wheat, a blue sky amd green trees in the distance
Listen to this meditation focused on finding inner light.
a woman meditating with candles

Series of questions for contemplation during the month of Elul

a person's silhouette in the distance underneath an indigo sky with a setting sun

A journey of art making, writing, and meditation

a white bird flies through the sky

Tashlikh ritual to be performed in the bathroom or using bowl of water

circular ripples in a pool of water

Instructions for taking stock of our lives at the beginning of the New Year

a person sits looking out on a dirt road

Meditation practice for forgiveness

a person sits cross-legged side profile, eyes closed, with earbuds in

Walking in a labyrinth as spiritual preparation for the High Holidays

a person is seated in the middle of a labyrinth surrounded by trees

The Reconstructionist Network

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Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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