Topic Tags: tikkun olam

Latest Rituals

“May the cries of every neshama / Be rendered into / Notes of comfort…”
seagull flying over beach
“So teach me to number my days / Savor the music of the birds / Entwine my branches with those of others”
two yellow birds on grey bare branches
“May our breaths continue / And our health and the health of all / Be preserved / In this time of haze, fire and climate disaster.”
dandelion fluff blowing against a cloudy sunset sky

“With the start of each season/We have the chance to plant kindness and acceptance”

With Every Sunrise

“We do not celebrate Shabbat, / We receive it.”

Kabbalat Shabbat

“May the spirit of truth and justice / that lives within us / find the courage to cry out”

Holy Breath of Liberation

“I will seek to heal and rebuild our country”

People’s Inauguration Covenant

“Avinu Malkeinu, open our hearts”

a person's silhouette in the distance is standing under a tree during a sunrise

The Reconstructionist Network

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