A ray of hope shines dimly
Becoming brighter as I cast my eyes
Upon the wonder revealed to me
When I willingly return to You
Separate me not from Your countenance
Forget me not as I did You
Seek me out in small quiet ways
And I will never turn away
ShemaThe most central prayer in Jewish liturgy, the Shema states: "Hear O Israel, the Lord Our God, the Lord is One." These words are written inside mezuzot and t'fillin. It is traditionally said during all major services and when waking and going to sleep. Yisrael HaShemLit. The Name, referring to the ineffable name of God; used as a substitute for any of the more sacred names of God when not speaking in prayer. Particularly used in conversation. Eloheinu, HaShem Ekhad
I come back to You now
Knowing that I have gone astray
In weakness, I lost my way
Yet turning to You for strength
Is as natural as breathing air
As calming as Your glorious starlight
As satisfying as new dawn breaking
I am sure I will stray
For I am too easily distracted
Still, I shall return, return again
To You, who restores my soul