“We wrote this ritual to mark the adoption of our son, who was weeks away from his 18th birthday at the time”
We are all together walking home, on the road of teshuva
Welcoming a child into a new family
However you find yourself becoming a parent and raising a child you might get a few questions about what makes a Jewish child Jewish
What is a Mikveh? An introduction to Jewish ritual bath.
A ritual to say goodbye to a beloved foster child, modeled on the Jewish baby naming ceremony
Miriam’s Cup reinterpreted to highlight the relationship between adoptive moms and adopted daughters
Just as God hear the prayers of our matriarchs, so too may God hear our prayers
Now more than ever, we need the guidance of our ancestors, and creative expression provides a wonderful path for connection.
Express your love and gratitude for those who have profoundly shaped your journey and summon their wisdom into your own life.
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