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Type: Prayer

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“We are proud of your pride in being Jewish”
A rabbi bring the Torah to a member of the congregation
“May you claim your ancient power”
brown skinned woman in black tank dress holding hands and dancing with two brown skinned girls by the ocean with water in the background and sunlight
“Blessings cannot be static; / Blessings need to be in motion”
mountains in dark with purple sky and lines of white light scattered throughout
“We are all neighbors united across the generations”
four friends arm in arm standing in sunlight out in nature
brown skinned woman with long dark hair in forest, hands pressed together, looking up, with a look of wonder or gratitude
“Binder of wounds, / Open me to / Unplanned wonder”
light brown skinned person with eyes closed and white shirt on and beige sun hat with head slightly lifted looking peaceful before light blue sky and clouds
“with each step, breath, check mark, or absence / I can sing your praise”
silhouette of woman looking to the right against orange sunset overlooking city
“Who makes it possible for us to see those we love”
brown skinned woman with dark hair sitting at desk looking at computer screen where an array of faces are shown as on a Zoom screen
“keep me open to wonder and awe so I don’t lose my way in the small places of heart and mind”
close up on rainbow colored tzitzit (fringes) on someone's waste

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Purim is a tale of resilience, standing up and speaking out. Now more than ever, we need YOUR story!

Whether you share your story for the holiday or another occasion, Purim is the perfect opportunity to embrace your role as a storyteller.

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The Reconstructionist Network