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Topic Tags: grief

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“We are Moses on the mountain begging to behold a Presence…”
Desert canyon with towering cliffs under a bright blue sky and scattered white clouds.
“And on another side, / children whose names the world never learned, / mothers who died calling for their babies, / fathers buried beneath silence.”
A torn paper heart hanging on a string against a dark background.
“One day, maybe, the Kaddish won’t scrape my throat raw…”
Willow tree with drooping branches, lush green leaves, and sunlight filtering through, casting shadows on the ground.
“The world owed them better. / The world owed them more.”
A single red poppy growing beside a railway track, surrounded by small rocks and green foliage.
Madeleine Sklar shares a ritual and poem for the grief of a miscarried child.
Two individuals in floral-patterned clothing holding hands outdoors, conveying a sense of support and connection.
“The children of Abraham, / bowing their heads / to bury the past and join hands in grief.”
Vast desert landscape with rocky cliffs and distant hazy horizon under a pale sky.
“May the One who makes peace in the heavens / Bring peace to us, to our children, / To our communities, And to this broken world.”
Two people hugging each other tightly in a room, both with eyes closed.
“How do we know what will outlive us? / We all want to be remembered our lives to count for something…”
A starry night sky with a cosmic blend of blue and purple nebulae.
A powerful ritual for when you have lost an animal companion
A corgi wearing a small bow tie
“May his/her dreams / be fulfilled / in every one of our breaths…”
two people sit on a dock looking out over a lake

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