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A family sharing a meal at a dining table, with smiles and a turkey being served.

Thanksgiving celebrates bounty, and offers us the opportunity to express gratitude for the simple pleasures of food, family, and friends. On Thanksgiving, we focus on the happiness of the moment—the table set before us and the faces gathered around it. As we appreciate these gifts, we live in the present without lingering on regrets from the past or worries about the future. Many communities use Thanksgiving as a time for multi-faith services of prayer and thanksgiving. This creates a mood of joyful reverence that gives an elevated shape to the American holiday season.

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Is there holiness in the bounty that breaks and bereaves?

a person is crossing off days on a paper calendar

Recognizing abundance in our lives, reflecting upon our gratitude, and asking the question  “what is enough?”

a person stands outside stretching their arms out wide toward the sky

An addition to the blessing after the meals focusing on our family who brought us to this land, and the labor of the many whose hands brought food to our table for this celebration

table with food and flowers and people's hands with empty plates
A prayer which can be used both in synagogue worship and at the holiday table
people enjoying a Thanksgiving meal
Psalm 128, from the weekday Shacharit service; likely recited when ascending to the Temple in Jerusalem for the pilgrimage festivals
a person is picking apples from a tree
Psalm 100, from the weekday Shacharit service, thanking “The Abundant One”
sheeps and lambs grazing in a field

An expression of mindfulness of and gratitude for farm workers

people working in a field

Written expressly for the Thanksgiving table

a family enjoying a meal together

To be inserted at the same point as one would add for Hanukkah or Purim

people stretch their arms toward the air as leaves blow through the air

Questions for an intergenerational Thanksgiving conversation

a person kisses an elder person on the cheek

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