A Psalm of Thanksgiving

Mizmor li-Todah

Hari’u l’Adonai kol ha’aretz:
Ivdu et Adonai bi-simchah ba’u lifanav bi-rinah:
Di’u ki Adonai Hu Elohim Hu asanu vi-lo anachnu
amo vi-tzon mari’ito:
Bo’u shi’arav bi-todah chatzayrotav bi-tihilah
Hodu Lo barichu shimo:
Ki tov Adonai li’olam chasdo vi-ad dor va-dor emunato.

A Psalm of Thanksgiving
Psalm 100

Sing out to The Creator, all the earth,
Worship The All-Seeing One in joy,
Approach God’s presence with a ringing cry!

Know that The Abundant One is God,
The one who made us, our beginning and our source.
We are God’s kin, the flock God feeds.

Enter God’s gates with thankful prayers,
God’s courtyards with a song of praise.
Give thanks to God, give blessing to the Name,

For the love of The Compassionate will last forever,
God’s faithful care, throughout all generations.

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