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Sanctifying Intimate Relationships

A couple embraces joyfully in a sunlit forest with golden autumn leaves around them.

Intimate relationships bring two people together in a unique emotional and physical connection. This is something to celebrate, whether through the public festivity of a wedding, or in the private reflection of immersion in the mikveh. Sanctifying our intimate relationships elevates these unions and gives them a context of meaning and joy.

Latest Rituals

A reinterpretation of the mikvah ritual to perform when full immersion is not possible.
white hands cupping water over a body of water
“Blessed is the Abundance of Love that envelops this couple and those who rejoice with them.”
Two glasses of red wine clinking against a warm golden background with lit candles.
Three songsheets to use for a tisch- for weddings or other occasions.
outlines of people dancing against a rainbow shaded background
A beautiful wedding day prayer from parent to child.
a bride steps out of a car
You offered to walk with me around Queen Anne Hill, holding my hand / You offered to take me out again. / What was the meaning of these offerings? /
two people hold hands in a grassy field who are wearing identical pink wristbands that say "camping"
This ritual reinvents the Breaking of the Glass and turns it into a physical moment using breath and soil.
flowered chuppah at the end of an aisle
a blessing of two people under a tallit
“Instead of color and shape and symbols or frame / I ponder what is holy…”
a ketubah with a voting badge hanging on the frame
This is a new interpretation of the traditional Seven Blessings used in a Jewish wedding ceremony.
two simple gold wedding bands
“We celebrate the triumph / Of love over hate”
queer couple - one in a white bridal gown and one in a blue suit - embracing under a chuppah with a rabbi wearing a rainbow tallit

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