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This new blessing for medical devices, such as insulin pumps and feeding tubes, and focuses on the mitzvah of shmirat haguf, taking care of one’s body.
A person wearing jeans with an insulin pump tucked into a pocket, connected to a charger with braided strings.
“Blessed is the Abundance of Love that envelops this couple and those who rejoice with them.”
Two glasses of red wine clinking against a warm golden background with lit candles.
A powerful ritual for when you have lost an animal companion
A corgi wearing a small bow tie
“The only relief from the sentence we gave ourselves: /Community, compassion, and justice.”
people marching together, holding a sign that says 'justice'
“We will hold on to goodness/ We will hold on to each other…”
a person with grey hair
“And may we always draw on joy in the darkness…”
a landscape of gray and brown mountains
“We can move mountains of hate and rage, recrimination and retribution, toward détente, and finally, equality, understanding, and the love we all deserve to feel.”
green mountains above a green valley
” May we be garmented in white’s coolness as we feel the summer heat that still lingers…”
tiny white flowers at sunrise
This Gender-Expansive blessing includes a masculine, feminine and non-binary versions.
a person holds a blue tallit over their head
“May his/her dreams / be fulfilled / in every one of our breaths…”
two people sit on a dock looking out over a lake

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