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Type: Poem

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“In truth, / I just want them home…”
the contrast of darrk and light on a building made of Jerusalme stone
“They will sing to you melodies of ascent…”
lighthouse against a starry sky
“Blessed be the soul / As it leaves the Temple of body…”
pink flower against green leaves
“There was nothing in this world or in the others / that could corrupt this perfect garden…”
pathway in a garden
“Rest within your heart-lines…”
drawing of a heart
“Come, here, to the hardened heart…”
drawing of a heart
“I ask myself daily, how can I love myself, the earth, and others into freedom?”
a field of wildflowers
“The Shehekhiyanu is the inhale, the receiving, and the choice to be in awe…”
purple iris flowersw
“And I believe her, / as I march with her colors. / Next time she’ll march with mine…”
The author and her friend march together
“But still, the waves murmur your name…”
a blue ocean wave

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