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Latest Rituals

“Charlotte’s story is not a tragedy / Neither is mine…”
A daisy with rainbow-colored petals arranged in a gradient pattern, centered on a blurred green background.
“One more dangerous reading, and I tore my hair /in pain with the story’s daughters, Dinah and Tamar.”
Ink drawing of a landscape with people, animals, and a pyramid. Sun and birds are in the sky.
An important new ritual for this sensitive shiva experience.
Ceramic pitcher and bowl with blue floral design, yellow soap, and folded towel on a white surface.
” The painting is for grandparents, miles away, / who long for them…”
A watercolor painting of three smiling children sitting on autumn leaves near a lake.
“How do we know what will outlive us? / We all want to be remembered our lives to count for something…”
A starry night sky with a cosmic blend of blue and purple nebulae.
This poem was written to express gratitude for one Haitian immigrant and lift up the value of welcoming the stranger.
dining plates and a glass of red wine set on a table.
“The death of a sibling too is unique. It ignites our own vivid / sense of mortality.”
two brothers, one a child and one a toddler, hold hands and walk by a pond
“In this moment, though, I felt triumphant. Not only had I given birth and become a mother in my late 40s, but I had figured out a way to truly honor my father’s memory and wishes…”
a small white kippah with white strings
This ritual was created with the support of Rabbi Elyse Pincus Abrahams for individuals who are experiencing estrangement from their families.
row of people holding hands with arms raised in front of a pool of water reflecting their image
My husband stokes the fire / with wood the children gathered / I knead the dough – / an offering for the Source of all
green olives on an olive tree

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