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Topic Tags: blessing

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Chorus sings inspiring song on creating peace in the world

A group of people joyfully singing, holding microphones, dressed in white, against a backdrop of city buildings.

Beautiful melody for Mah Tovu

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Stop to behold the lightness we bring to the world through our blessed and capable hands

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Instructions for how to create a blessing booth, offering others the blessings they want and need

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A prayer which can be used both in synagogue worship and at the holiday table
people enjoying a Thanksgiving meal
Psalm 128, from the weekday Shacharit service; likely recited when ascending to the Temple in Jerusalem for the pilgrimage festivals
a person is picking apples from a tree

Sephardic recipes for Rosh Hashanah and blessings for special foods for the holiday

A whole red apple next to a cut apple on a rectangular red plate with a ramekin of honey and a person's fingertips holding a small wooden honey dipper dripping honey into the ramekin

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Now more than ever, we need the guidance of our ancestors, and creative expression provides a wonderful path for connection.

Express your love and gratitude for those who have profoundly shaped your journey and  summon their wisdom into your own life.

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