We greet each child with affection and joy. Every baby comes to us full of promise and potential. As parents, we are privileged to welcome them into our families, our communities, and the embrace of the Jewish people. Raising children to adulthood, we encounter many milestones along the way. Children are weaned, lose their teeth, and start school. Some get their driver’s licenses and eventually leave home for good. Here are rituals for welcoming children and for celebrating the milestones on their paths to adulthood.
A ritual to say goodbye to a beloved foster child, modeled on the Jewish baby naming ceremony
A musician couple chooses to sing a song to their new baby in lieu of making a speech at the baby naming ceremony
A mother discusses how her son’s Hebrew name was chosen and a special naming ceremony on his first birthday
Watch the video to learn about some of the new traditions involved in a brit bat ceremony (covenant of a daughter)
Watch the video to learn about finding a mohel, what a brit milah is all about, and some popular modern spins on this ancient tradition
Watch this video about how to choose a name for your baby
A breastfeeding blessing based on “Asher Yatzar,” which honors the body’s miraculous workings, but with an emphasis on the feminine aspects of the Divine
A ceremony that involves adding spices to a blessing filled spice box to mark the welcoming of their third child and to mark the completion of their family
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