The wonders of God’s creation are all around us: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. But it is easy for us to take this bounty for granted—or worse, contribute to its destruction. It is our duty to tend to what has been given to us. These rituals and prayers remind us of the sacred nature of that task.
The Climate Ribbon ritual creates a space to express our fears and hopes in response to the climate crisis
A blessing to remind us of our obligation to observe shmita by taking care of the earth and each other
Interpretive Amidah translations and meditations for recitation out of doors
When and how does the earth pray?
On the path from the winter soltice to the vernal equinox and Birkat HaChammah, Blessing of the Sun, with instructions for kindling olive oil in a bowl
Blessing upon seeing natural wonders, such as lightning, oceans, mountains, rivers
For Rainbow Day (when Noah and company left the ark and received the rainbow covenant) and everyday while oil gushes into the Gulf of Mexico
A ritual to recognize and cast away the hardness we have allowed to exist in our hearts
Accompaniment to dipping the greens
An Israeli poet imagines a heavenly ledger filled with Earth’s beauty
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