A simple, restful prayer in observance of Shmita. Written by Carole Caplan, Marcy Epstein, Idelle Hammond-Sass, and Rav Michal Woll of the Ann Arbor Reconstructionist Congregation.
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who makes us holy by observing shmita.
With blessing(s) we rest the land, renewing our connection to the earth & each other.
כן יהי רצון Let it be God’s will!
With gratitude we share our abundance & are fulfilled.
כן יהי רצון Let it be God’s will!
With strength we mend our relationships & obligations, releasing all from bondage.
כן יהי רצון Let it be God’s will!
Explanation of shimta according to the Shmita Project of HAZON:
“Commonly translated as the ‘Sabbatical Year,’ Shmita literally means ‘release.’ Of biblical origin, this is the final year of a shared calendar cycle, when land is left fallow, debts are forgiven, and a host of other agricultural and economic adjustments are made to ensure the maintenance of an equitable, just, and healthy society. The questions about how Shmita actually worked – if it actually worked – are enormous. The possibilities for social change are thrilling.”