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Rosh Hodesh

Crescent moon and stars in a colorful, cloudy sky blending green, blue, and yellow hues.

The first of each Jewish month—the celebration of the new moon, its slender crescent barely visible in the night sky—is a day historically associated with women’s renewal and celebration.

In recent decades, Rosh Chodesh has become an occasion for Jewish women to gather for learning, ritual, and spiritual exploration, and to mark life passages. Rosh Chodesh groups, meeting monthly, offer a women’s space in time. (Some men’s gatherings have begun as well, sometimes associated with kiddush levanah, celebrating the coming full moon.)

Latest Rituals

“Ribono shel Olam / Make me like our mothers and heroines…”
Sun setting over a vast field of red poppies, with a person in the distance and silhouettes of trees on the horizon.
A Responsive Reading for the month of Adar
Silhouetted bush against a golden sunrise in a misty field.
“Even in the ecosystem of things created by humans there remains the promise of Sovereignty…”
Ancient, sprawling tree with twisted branches and thick roots in a lush, green forest setting.
“They name boats after women – No wonder.”
Wooden rowboat on a calm lake with green lily pads and gentle reflections in the water.
“For eight days Light cries /out to you, assures you / it is safe now…”
Floating candles glowing in a glass menorah against a dark background.
A prayer for the new month
raindrops on red branches and a brown leaf
“As the new moon of Adar II rises we give thanks for this double dose of delight…”
a crescent moon and stars seen through the lens of a cave
“How do you steer this thing? / Which end is helm and which is the stern?”
small yellow boat floating on water
“In Hebrew, shakan, dwelling place, often referred to a royal residence. / The rabbis gave it a feminine ending: Shekhinah. Divine mother.”
womans eye visible behind giant ferns
A poem for the new moon.
sailboat on the ocean with stars above

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