A series of prayers to be said after Mourner’s Kaddish, specifically mourning the nine souls murdered in the Charleston church, adaptable for any service to mourn victims of racist violence
A musician couple chooses to sing a song to their new baby in lieu of making a speech at the baby naming ceremony
A mother discusses how her son’s Hebrew name was chosen and a special naming ceremony on his first birthday
A couple discusses the rituals they created and reinterpreted at their wedding ceremony
Breaking the glass at a Jewish wedding is reinterpreted through a personal and kabbalistic lens
A partner in a same-sex couple describes how and why they chose to use traditional language for their wedding ceremony
As part of BimBam’s (formerly G-dcast) Jewish lifecycles series, a groom describes incorporating multiple ketubah traditions at his wedding
A haggadah supplement focusing on the theme of #BlackLivesMatter and the experiences of Jews of color
Miriam’s Cup reinterpreted to highlight the relationship between adoptive moms and adopted daughters
Bring Serach Bat Asher to the seder with a Cos Serach—Serach’s Cup
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