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Type: Prayer

Latest Rituals

A new version of the traditional confession prayer

a person rests their clasped hands on an open book

A prayer for blessing oneself on Erev Shabbat

Person holding hands up to a vibrant sunset over the ocean, with waves gently lapping the shore.

A mindful alternative blessing before eating

Girl with closed eyes holds and smells a bowl of raspberries, wearing a pink shirt and smiling softly.

“For the Regretter, a regretting song”

a person's silhouette sitting on a ledge looking out at a cloudy sky

“The new moon is a new universe for women”

Ritualwell Tradition & Innovation logo placeholder

A blessing for parents to recite at a child’s bar or bat mitzvah

mother and teen hug facing the water on the beach

A prayer for moral resistance in the face of injustice

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A new blessing for Torah study

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A prayer for transformation and healing for someone close to the end of life

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A meditation when breathing is difficult

Woman standing near the ocean with eyes closed, wearing a colorful dress, enjoying the breeze.

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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