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“But today, there are not enough words in the Psalm / to cover the number of victims of this hate.” 
clouds in a bright blue sky
“As this day begins its dark descent / our tongues go dry again”
view of an orange and red sunset
“Adonai Ekhad, One God / One life, eleven lives, too many”
Hands holding a lit candle above rows of glowing candles in a dimly lit setting.

Blessed are You, who defeats our enemies and quashes all arrogance.”

Person holding Pray for Ukraine sign at a rally, with a Ukrainian flag nearby and people in the background.

“May we all learn strategies of resistance…May goodness prevail over evil.”

A close-up of a sunflower with sunlight softly illuminating its petals against a blurred background.

“there is a space between / flags and fireworks”

Historic building with a tall clock tower under a dramatic sky at sunset, surrounded by a grassy area.

The Reconstructionist Network

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Now more than ever, we need the guidance of our ancestors, and creative expression provides a wonderful path for connection.

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